Community Archive

Help our community with social media in various languages and locations!

Love LibreOffice? Want to help spread the word? And do you speak another language than English? Then we’d appreciate your help! We have lots of community-created LibreOffice accounts on Facebook and Twitter, but some haven’t been updated for a while. The full list is below, with the date the account was

The LibreOffice Documentation Team Announces the LibreOffice Online Guide

Berlin, December 12, 2019 – The LibreOffice Documentation Team announces the immediate availability of the LibreOffice Online Guide, a major work authored by Aaron Peters under the Google Season of Docs 2019 programme. LibreOffice Online is a web-based version of the office suite, that can be deployed on local infrastructure and connected to

Making LibreOffice a Friendly Platform for Indigenous People in Taiwan

Lin and Wang in the LibreOffice Conference 2019. The Chinese words in the photo in slide marks: “I have to speak Chinese, not local languages.”

Authors: Author: Kuan-Ting Lin and Tanax Yago (Xiao-Wu Wang)

Foreword: At the LibreOffice Conference 2019, two young people from Taiwan, Kuan-Ting Lin and Xiao-Wu Wang, gave a wonderful

Celebrating International Volunteer Day

Today is International Volunteer Day. All around the world, volunteers give their time and energy to help many different causes – including free and open source software projects like LibreOffice.

Indeed, LibreOffice wouldn’t be where it is today, without the incredibly valuable help of hundreds of volunteers in the last decade. So to everyone who

Month of LibreOffice, November 2019: The winners!

At the beginning of November, we started a new Month of LibreOffice, celebrating community contributions all across the project. So how many people got sticker packs throughout the month? Check it out…

Congratulations to everyone who’s on that page – and thanks so much for your contributions. It’s

LibreOffice monthly recap: November 2019

Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more!