Community Archive

2021: The Year the LibreOffice Documentation Team Shined

Seasons Greetings

2021 is ending, so let’s recap our achievements and look forward for 2022. It has been a very tough year for all of us in our professional or personal matters, and for sure worsened by the

Community Member Monday: Ravi Dwivedi

Today we’re chatting with Ravi Dwivedi, a free software supporter who recently joined our marketing community

To start, tell us a bit about yourself!

I am from India, and I recently received my masters degree (M.Math) in mathematics from the Indian Statistical Institute in Kolkata. I am looking forward to doing

LibreOffice project and community recap: November 2021

Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project last month – click the links to learn more!

  • Throughout November, we had a Month of LibreOffice, celebrating contributions all across the projects. Everyone who took part can claim a sticker pack, and we have extra merch to

LibreOffice Base Guide 7.2 has been released

The LibreOffice Documentation Team releases the Base Guide 7.2, based on refactored content from the Base Guide 6.4, with the 7.2 branding and text layout. It covers LibreOffice’s database component.

Download the Bse Guide 7.2

The team decided to just fast-forward the release number, given the

Winners in the Month of LibreOffice, November 2021!

At the start of November, we revved up a new Month of LibreOffice, celebrating community contributions all across the project. We do these every six months – so how many people got sticker packs this time? Check it out…

Awesome work, everyone! Hundreds of people, all

Talk at SFCamp 2021: LibreOffice and the community behind it

At the recent online Software Freedom Camp, an event organised by Indian free software supporters, Mike Saunders from The Document Foundation gave a talk about the LibreOffice community. Learn about what we’re doing, where we’re going, and how you can get involved – click the image below to watch it!