Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more…
- November was a Month of LibreOffice! This is something we do every six months, to say our thanks to everyone who contributes to the

At the start of November, we began a new Month of LibreOffice, celebrating community contributions all across the project. We do these every six months – so how many people got sticker packs this time? Check it out…
Awesome work, everyone! Hundreds
The LibreOffice Documentation Team announces the immediate availability of the Impress Guide 7.4 and Getting Started Guide 7.4
The Impress Guide 7.4 was coordinated by Peter Schofield and revised by Kees Kriek. The guide is available in PDF as well as in ODF formats. An online version is available in the bookshelf website.
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Earlier in 2022, together with more than 100 European organisations and companies, The Document Foundation has signed the #OpenLetter about the universal right to install any software on any device. Join us and sign the letter today.
To: Legislators in the European Union
In copy: Citizens of the European Union
The universal right to freely choose operating systems,

So far, 203 sticker packs have been awarded in the Month of LibreOffice, November 2022. But we’re only half of the way through – so if your name (or username) isn’t on the list, join in, help to make LibreOffice even better, and get some cool swag! We’ll have

Today we’re talking to Muthuramalingam Krishnan, who’s helping to spread the word about LibreOffice in southern India…
Tell us a bit about yourself!
I’m Muthuramalingam, from Tirunelveli – a southern district in Tamil Nadu, currently living in Chennai. I was in the IT industry for around 10 years, from 2007 to 2017. Currently, I’m