Announcements Archive

LibreOffice 7.1.2 Community available for download

Berlin, April 1, 2021 – LibreOffice 7.1.2 Community, the second minor release of the LibreOffice 7.1 family, targeted at technology enthusiasts and power users, is available for download from LibreOffice 7.1.2 includes

Statement about Richard M. Stallman and the Free Software Foundation

Dear LibreOffice Community, Dear FOSS Community,

All of us at The Document Foundation are following the discussion in the global free software community about Richard M. Stallman’s return to the Free Software Foundation (FSF) board of directors. We do share your concerns, and we do take this situation very seriously.

Our worldwide community is strongly committed to

LibreOffice 7.0.5 has been released

Berlin, March 12, 2021 – LibreOffice 7.0.5, the fifth minor release of the LibreOffice 7.0 family, is available from All users are invited to update to this version, as

International Women’s Day – March 8, 2021

#ChooseToChallenge  #IWD2021

A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day.

We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias

LibreOffice 7.1.1 Community available for download

Berlin, March 4, 2021 – LibreOffice 7.1.1 Community, the first minor release of the LibreOffice 7.1 family, targeted at technology enthusiasts and power users, is available for download from LibreOffice

LibreOffice 7.1 Community released by The Document Foundation

A brand new version of the best free open source office suite, based on the LibreOffice Technology platform for desktop, mobile and cloud productivity

Berlin, February 3, 2021 – LibreOffice 7.1 Community, the volunteer-supported version