Announcements Archive

EU coalition urges EU to push back against gate keeping by Microsoft, files official complaint

Brussels, November 26 – A coalition of EU software and cloud businesses joined Nextcloud GmbH in respect of their formal complaint to the European Commission about Microsoft’s anti-competitive behavior in respect of its OneDrive (cloud) offering. In

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 7.2.3 Community

Berlin, November 25, 2021 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 7.2.3 Community, the third minor release of the LibreOffice 7.2 family targeted at technology enthusiasts and power users, which is available for download from

German state planning to switch 25,000 PCs to LibreOffice

The north-German state of Schleswig-Holstein plans to switch to open source software, including LibreOffice, in its administration and schools.

In doing so, the state wants to reduce its dependence on proprietary software, and eventually end it altogether. By the end of 2026, Microsoft Office is to be replaced

Announcement of LibreOffice 7.1.7 Community

Berlin, November 4, 2021 – LibreOffice 7.1.7 Community, the seventh minor release of the LibreOffice 7.1 family, targeted to desktop productivity, is available for download from

End user support is provided by volunteers via

TDF Board elections: Live sessions with the candidates

With elections for The Document Foundation’s Board of Directors running, the Membership Committee is planning to conduct a live Q&A session with the candidates.

The sessions are not mandatory (the candidates can decide whether or not to attend), and TDF members can send the questions to be asked during

Announcing the election for the next TDF Board of Directors

Marina Latini, on behalf of the Membership Committee, writes:

On October 18, we officially announced the upcoming election for the next Board of Directors of The Document Foundation, the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice.

As per § 7 II of our statutes (binding German version and non-binding English translartion)