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Draw Guide 7.3

Peter Schofield and Kees Kriek are happy to announce the Draw Guide 7.3  with the latest LibreOffice Draw 7.3 developments.

Download Draw Guide 7.3

This 348 pages book covers the main features of Draw, the vector graphics component of LibreOffice. Using Draw, a wide variety

Impress Guide is updated to match LibreOffice Community 7.3

The Impress Guide 7.3 has just arrived with the latest LibreOffice Impress 7.3 developments.

Download Impress Guide 7.3

This 374 pages book covers the main features of Impress, the presentations (slide show) component of LibreOffice. You can create slides that contain text, bulleted and numbered lists, tables,

Writer Guide 7.3

Writer Guide 7.3 comes with the latest updates for LibreOffice Community 7.3

The Documentation team is happy to announce the immediate availability of the Writer Guide 7.3.

This user guide has been updated from Writer Guide 7.2. It covers changes that are visible

Custom Shape Tutorial

Have you ever tried to draw special and complex shapes beyond the basic offerings of LibreOffice? A custom shape of the Fibonacci spiral defined by its equation and properties with handles to reshape size? Thanks to Regina Henschel, now you have a tutorial for drawing custom shapes of your own and use them in LibreOffice.…

Başlangıç Kılavuzu for Turkish LibreOffice Users

Ayhan Yalçinsoy gifted the Turkish community with the long awaited LibreOffice Başlangıç Kılavuzu, easing Turkish users to master LibreOffice. The guide is the translation of the English book Getting Started Guide carried by Ayhan, member of The Document Foundation and Board of Directors deputy.


Getting Started Guide 7.3 companion to LibreOffice Community 7.3

The Documentation Team is happy to announce the immediate availability of the Getting Started Guide 7.3, only days after the release of the LibreOffice Community 7.3.

This book is for anyone who wants to get up to speed quickly with LibreOffice 7.3. It