LibreOffice project and community recap: April 2022

Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more…

The Month of LibreOffice, May 2022 starts today – Join in and get snazzy merch!

Boost your skillset and learn new things – join the Month of LibreOffice! The software is a worldwide, community open source project – and many people who help to improve it, actually started out as regular users of the software.

So in the coming four weeks, we’d love it if you get involved, join our community, and have fun.…

Annual Report: LibreOffice Documentation Project in 2021

The LibreOffice Conference is the annual gathering of the community, our end-users, developers, and everyone interested in free office software. This year, it took place online once again.

(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2021 – we’ll post the full version here soon.)

New and translated guides

Throughout the year, the documentation project closed the gap between LibreOffice major releases, and the updates of the corresponding user guides.…

Latin-American LibreOffice Conference 2022 will take place in Brasília

The 2022 edition of the Latin-American LibreOffice Conference will take place in Brasilia, Brazil between August 25 and 26. The event will be held at the Catholic University of Brasília, in the Taquaritinga – DF.

The conference aims to bring together the community of LibreOffice contributors and users and promote the dissemination of knowledge and experiences related to LibreOffice.…

Open Letter for the Right to Install any Software on any Device

To: Legislators in the European Union

In copy: Citizens of the European Union

The universal right to freely choose operating systems, software and services

Software design is crucial for the ecodesign and sustainability of products and hardware. Free Software systems and services enable reuse, repurposing and interoperability of devices. The universal right to freely choose operating systems, software and services is crucial for a more sustainable digital society.

Annual Report: LibreOffice Conference 2021

The LibreOffice Conference is the annual gathering of the community, our end-users, developers, and everyone interested in free office software. This year, it took place online once again.

(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2021 – we’ll post the full version here soon.)

Normally, the conference takes place at a different venue each year, to reflect the international and diverse LibreOffice community.…