LibreOffice API documentation is now online

As a result of the LibreOffice Hackfest 2011 in Munich, the LibreOffice API documentation is now online at

There’s another HackFest!

Shortly after our successful LibreOffice Hackfest in the city of Munich last weekend (pictures and blog post will follow), there will be another event for hackers and developers! Cor Nouws is organizing a Mini HackFest in Eindhoven on September 10th. If you’re around, have a look, and learn how the LibreOffice development process works.

Trouble accessing our website?

In case you are having troubles accessing the LibreOffice website, you might be affected by this problem:

Help us to squeeze out bugs!

For those interested in helping to squeeze out some bugs of LibreOffice, the community hosts monthly bug hunting sessions. The next one is tomorrow, September 6th. More details can be found at the respective wiki page.

Board Elections: Nominations Open

Simon Phipps today announced that the nominations for the board elections are now open.

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.4.3

The Internet, August 31, 2011 – The Document Foundation (TDF) maintains the speedy pace of LibreOffice development with the announcement of version 3.4.3, intended for enterprise deployments. The new release arrives two weeks after version 3.3.4 (intended for more-conservative users) and one month after the previous release of the 3.4 family, which provides a larger feature set based on cleaner and leaner code.…