Hassles and woes – and how to solve them

Dear Community,

the last days, we have seen long discussions, people asking about processes and directions, and the role of the Steering Committee was unclear to some Community members. I do not want to discuss the issues in detail, I even don’t want to mention them by name, but I felt it was time to bring some personal thoughts into them. The following paragraphs are just my personal thoughts and not an official statement of the Steering Committee, but I hope they help all of us to work on our common mission. (more…)

Developer interview: Robert Nagy

Again a new story in our series of developer interviews.
We started this serie to show how others got involved, and have choosen the work they like to contribute to LibreOffice.
In this inteview someone who is, in his own words, a normal guy, and doesn’t expect that users will experience much improvements from his contributions. Yet his work builds bridges between communities. So sooner rather than later, users will benefit…

Programming is about people: so please ! tell us a bit about yourself:

I am Robert Nagy (rnagy on IRC) and I am just a 24 year old regular everyday normal guy living in Budapest, Hungary with my lovely girlfriend Zsofia and our dog Kiki.

Any chance you can remember what was your very first program ?

I don’t really remember but it was back in high school on a CS class.

What do you do when you’re not hacking on LibreOffice ?

I am working on OpenBSD for fun and profit, doing software development and system administration for companies based in Hungary and all over the world.


LibreOffice 3.3 Release Candidate 4 available

The Document Foundation is happy to announce the fourth release candidate of LibreOffice 3.3. This release candidate is not intended for production use! The final release of LibreOffice 3.3, for production use, will be available soon. For more details, see the announcement.

Marketing ConfCall on January 20th

The LibreOffice Marketing Conference Call will take place this Thursday, January 20th, at 1800 UTC+1. For your local date and time, see http://www.doodle.com/3wf6zk7tzdekfx23?newDesign=true

Please add your favorite agenda items to http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Marketing/ConfCalls#Agenda and keep in mind we will limit this call to one hour.

LibreOffice at FOSDEM in Brussels

Dear Community, we’re happy to announce that LibreOffice and The Document Foundation will be at this year’s FOSDEM in Brussels, February 5th and 6th. We will not only have a booth on Saturday and Sunday, where lots of active community members can be met, but we’re delighted to announce that on Sunday, February 6th, we’re having our own DevRoom from 09:00 to 17:00 in room H.2214.…

LibreOffice 3.3 Release Candidate 3 available

Dear Community,

The Document Foundation is happy to announce the third release candidate of LibreOffice 3.3. This release candidate is not intended for production use! The final release of LibreOffice 3.3, for production use, will be available soon.

The Release Candidate 3 is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X from our download page at

http://www.documentfoundation.org/download/ (more…)