We are looking for tender ideas and proposals to improve LibreOffice

One of the goals of The Document Foundation and the community it represents is to improve LibreOffice to make it even more competitive with other office suites. One of the tools to achieve this goal are tenders for the development of specific features, such as the implementation of OpenDocument Format version 1.3, the standard format used by LibreOffice and other applications.…

LibreOffice user interface improvements: Annual Report 2022

Colibre icons

Design (UI and UX) has been one of the major focus points of LibreOffice in the last few years, and the Design community has produced new icon sets and a number of incremental updates to the user interface – menus, toolbars and the SideBar – along with improvements to the NotebookBar

(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2022 – we’ll post the full version here soon.)

Announcement of LibreOffice 7.4.7 Community

Berlin, May 11, 2023 – The Document Foundation releases LibreOffice 7.4.7 Community, the seventh and last minor release of the LibreOffice 7.4 line, which is approaching the end of life [1]. The new release is immediately available from https://www.libreoffice.org/download/ for Windows (Intel and Arm processors), macOS (Apple and Intel processors), and Linux.

LibreOffice offers the highest level of compatibility in the office suite market segment, with native support for the OpenDocument Format (ODF) – beating proprietary formats for security and robustness – to superior support for MS Office files, to filters for a large number of legacy document formats, to return ownership and control to users.…

Live streaming LibreOffice bug triaging – your experiences (part 1)

Ilmari Lauhakangas

LibreOffice’s QA (Quality Assurance) community helps to identify and fix bugs in the software. Every week, Ilmari Lauhakangas from The Document Foundation (the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice) live-streams bug triaging sessions, so that others can see how he works on bug reports, and ask him questions.

So, what do attendees think of the sessions so far?…

Over 3 million views on the LibreOffice YouTube channel!

Video thumbnails from channel

Yes, our YouTube channel has just gone over the 3 million views mark. Great stuff! We’d like to say a special thanks to community members who’ve contributed great work, such as the Indonesian community for the “New Features” videos (major LibreOffice releases), and Harald B. in the German community for his tutorials. (Note that many of the videos are also available on PeerTube.)…

LibreOffice Conference Sponsor Packages

The organizing team of LibreOffice Conference 2023, which will be hosted by the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers of the University Politehnica of Bucharest – the capital city of Romania – from Wednesday, September 20 (community meetings), to Saturday, September 23, has released the Conference Sponsor Package. Members of the organizing team are Maria Veronica Ruxanda (Vera), Irina Bulciu, Roberto Grosu, Cătălin Popescu, Adrian Stănescu, Daniel Grigore and Gabriel Masei.…