This FOSDEM we had a popular LibreOffice Dev-Room, with many interesting talks focused on a technical audience. Starting from Italo’s overview of where we’re at as of now, and moving into how to how to write filters, the code structure of our major components, how to get involved with easy hacks, and more.
If you missed some of that, the slides are now available (where there were slides) in our wiki, please do check them out.…
Today, The Document Foundation proudly announces Berlin, Germany as the host for this year’s LibreOffice Conference.
The Document Foundation members jointly decided on the location for their conference in a public poll that closed last week. Its final results are now fixed.
The Board of Directors congratulates Berlin for having won this year’s LibreOffice conference bid.…
Intel becomes a Member of TDF Advisory Board
Berlin, February 23rd, 2012 – The Document Foundation (TDF) today announced LibreOffice for Windows from SUSE is now available in the Intel AppUpSM Center, an online repository designed for Intel® processor-based devices. Intel is also becoming a member of TDF Advisory Board, a body that provides advice and funding for the LibreOffice project.…
New entity has been legally created on February 17th, 2012
German Stiftung to provide strong and enduring rights for the LibreOffice community
Berlin, February 20th, 2012. The Document Foundation today announces that it has been officially incorporated in the state of Berlin, Germany. The legal form of the entity is a German “rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts”, a form based on the governance model the LibreOffice community has chosen.…
Berlin, February 14, 2012 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.5, the third major release of “the best free office suite ever”, which shows to end users the improvements derived from the development strategy adopted since September 2010. LibreOffice 3.5 derives from the combined effort of full time hackers – the largest group of experienced OOo code developers – and volunteer hackers, coordinated by the Engineering Steering Committee.…