LibreOffice: Advent Tip #24

Bugzilla Main PageLibreOffice last tip of the series (a huge success, according to the numbers) is slightly different from the previous ones, because is not a real tip but an invitation to help the project by submitting bugs and regressions.

In fact, only with the help of our large user community (stay tuned for the numbers…) we will be able to improve the quality of LibreOffice, release after release.…

Behind the scenes at TDF: Release Engineering

cloph_headLibreOffice proper

The year 2015 started off with LibreOffice 4.4.0 and 4.3.6 rc1 – only the first of a whopping 42 (of course!) tags that were created and for which a build was uploaded to our mirror network – and ends with the stable releases 4.4.7 and 5.0.4 and with the first RC for LibreOffice 5.1.0 (for those interested: that’s a total of 216GB for the binary builds).

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #23


LibreOffice provides a Zoom & View Layout dialog which makes it easier to set the size of the document inside the software window. The feature can be accessed either with the menu View > Zoom > Zoom… or by double clicking on the zooming percentage in the lower right corner. The dialog allows to set both the Zoom Factor and the View Layout, with a number of different option for each choice.…

Behind the scenes at TDF: LibreOffice QA (Halloween Bug Hunting)

robinson-in-brusselsLibreOffice QA has been busy during the last few months!

We had our first BugHunting Session for the upcoming LibreOffice 5.1 release over the Halloween weekend at the end of October. Testing our alpha1 builds, members of the QA Team helped to lead users, developers, and other community members in identifying and documenting problems in our very first binaries available for this release series.

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #22


LibreOffice has several hidden gems, ignored by the majority of the users. One of these gems is the creation of editable PDF forms, which is a rather comprehensive feature and not a simple tip (but after 20 days, even the most basic user is now a skilled LibreOffice user…).

I will try to summarize the feature, which is explained in brief in this short tutorial (PDF) and in detail in a chapter of the LibreOffice Writer Guide (PDF).…

Behind the scenes at TDF: NLP/L10n

_SDS5526LibOCon in Aarhus, Denmark, has been a really nice meeting especially for the L10n/NLP communities with a large workshop on the day before the opening of the conference. Even the whole afternoon was too short to discuss all the topics we had on the agenda. Around 40 persons from all over the world were attending the meeting.