Tender for Automated a11y based UI testing (#201512-04)

noun_145448_ccThe Document Foundation (TDF), the charitable entity behind the world’s leading free office suite LibreOffice, seeks for companies or individuals to

design and implement Automated a11y based UI testing into the LibreOffice code base

to start work as soon as possible.

TDF looks into investing into a Python based, cross-platform LO testing framework which

  • Allows concise UI tests to be written in a simple manner
  • Provides coverage of as much LO UI functionality as possible, preventing regressions and supporting future refactoring work
  • Can be targeted to a selection of historical LO versions in order to help track down existing bugs (preferably at least back to the 4.1-4.2 region)

TDF is looking for an individual or company to, as a turnkey project, design and implement the following:

  • Upgrade PyUNO to make it easier to work with overall
    • e.g.

Tender for design and implementation of crash reporter functionality in LibreOffice (#201512-03)

noun_84881_ccThe Document Foundation (TDF), the charitable entity behind the world’s leading free office suite LibreOffice, seeks for companies or individuals to

design and implement a crash reporter functionality in the LibreOffice desktop client application

to start work as soon as possible.

TDF wants to further improve the stability of its desktop office application, and get statistics and details on program crashes, based on the Socorro and Breakpad toolkit.…

Tender to develop and incorporate usability metrics collection for LibreOffice (#201512-02)

noun_158928_ccThe Document Foundation (TDF), the charitable entity behind the world’s leading free office suite LibreOffice, seeks for companies or individuals to

develop and incorporate usability metrics collection for LibreOffice

to start work as soon as possible.

In order to improve the user interface, human interaction and usability of LibreOffice, The Document Foundation is looking for an individual or company to, as a turnkey project, implement a usability metrics collection feature to be incorporated into the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X versions of the free office suite.…

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #15

Paragraph_001 To change the number of a page – for instance, if you add a new document to a series which has to be compiled into a single book at the end of the year – you must put the cursor somewhere in the first paragraph of the page and access the menu Format > Paragraph. Inside the multi tab dialog window, you have to open the Text Flow tab (shown in the image on the left), and in the Break section check the Insert box – with Type “Page” and Position “Before” – and the With Page Style box, using Default Style.…

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #14

AcquU LibreOffice Presenter Screen is a useful tool for presenters, as the name implies. Unfortunately, only a minority of Impress users are leveraging this feature, which can be activated with a few easy steps:

  1. Open the Display (or Screen) control panel, and turn Mirroring Off.
  2. Configure the Impress Slide Show Settings with the menu Slide Show > Slide Show Settings, and in the Multiple Display area select the appropriate screen for the presentation (usually, it is named “screen number 2” or “alternate screen” or “secondary screen”).

LibreOffice: Advent Tip #13

LibreOffice allows left-handed users to move the vertical scroll bar from the right side to the left side of the screen with a simple procedure. You must open LibreOffice Options dialog window with the menu Tools > Options… Then, go first to the Language Settings > Languages window to set the document language to Asian, and second to the LibreOffice Writer > View window to set the vertical ruler as left aligned.…