Today we’re talking to Gladys David, who is helping out in LibreOffice’s Quality Assurance (QA) project…
Hi! My name is gladys, I’m 41 years old and I’m French. I’ve been living in Espoo (Finland) for about six years – it’s a country where I always wanted to live. Previously I stayed in London for 10 years, and was in France before that.…
The book is released on time for the new LibreOffice 24.8 release.

The community members of the LibreOffice documentation team are happy to announce the immediate availability of the Getting Started Guide 24.8, at the same time of the release of LibreOffice Community 24.8, our latest major update.
The book is for anyone who wants to get up-to-speed quickly with LibreOffice 24.8.…

The new major release provides a wealth of new features, plus a large number of interoperability improvements
Berlin, 22 August 2024 – LibreOffice 24.8, the new major release of the free, volunteer-supported office suite for Windows (Intel, AMD and ARM), macOS (Apple and Intel) and Linux is available from our download page. This is the second major release to use the new calendar-based numbering scheme (YY.M),…

FrOSCon is a yearly free and open source software (FOSS) conference that takes place in Sankt Augustin (near Bonn), Germany. And this year, the LibreOffice community was present! We had a stand with information flyers and merchandise, including stickers, pens, beer/coffee mats and more:

Over the two days, many people visited our stand and asked us questions: what are we working on, when the next release is due (in a few days!),…
The Document Foundation (TDF) is the non-profit home of LibreOffice, and its Membership Committee (MC) administers membership applications and renewals following the criteria defined in the Foundation’s Statutes.
TDF would like to run “townhall” discussion sessions with the candidates for this year’s membership committee election and invite all the community. We will plan with three different sessions to accommodate for three different time zones.…

LibreOffice is always free to download from our website, but it’s also available in the Microsoft Store for a small fee, which covers the costs of putting it there, and helps to sustain future development of the suite.
Currently there’s a special “back to school” offer, and LibreOffice is included, with a 15% discount on the usual price.…