Team Archive

Get to know TDF Core Team: interview with Sophie Gautier

brno47Typical day of Sophie

A first thing of the day (together with coffee) is to read mails in my inbox, sort them by priorities and begin to answer. Then I do moderation on

Interview with Guilhem Moulin, TDF Infrastructure

A short interview to introduce Guilhem Moulin, the team member in charge of the development and the maintenance of The Document Foundation (TDF) infrastructure since October.

Q1. You have just started to take care of TDF infrastructure. Why did you apply for the role?

I finished my studies last spring and wanted to take a few months off to

Presenting Xisco Fauli, the new QA Engineer

developer_xisco_fauliXisco Fauli, a Spanish LibreOffice developer working in Madrid as a Quality Assurance (QA) specialist, will be a consultant for The Document Foundation effective from September 1st, as QA Engineer.

Xisco got a bachelor’s degree in system data processing at the Polytechnic University of València in 2011.

Behind the scenes at TDF: LibreOffice major releases

tdf-roadtolo52LibreOffice has a time-based release schedule (, with a major announcement every six months: early February, and early August. A time-based release schedule is predictable, and as such makes it easier to plan large deployments and subsequent

Improving LibreOffice User Experience (UX)


Effective from May 2016, Heiko Tietze has started working as a consultant to drive LibreOffice UX one step further.

Heiko has been one of the most active UX volunteers during the last

TDF Marketing Activity (and a Debian Bug Squashing Party!)

As we head towards the second half of the year – and an exciting new release of LibreOffice in August – I wanted to recap some work from the Marketing Team that I’ve been involved in over the last few months. But before that, I’d also like