Milan, September 9, 2013 – LibreOffice Conference will officially open in less than three weeks at the University of Milan, on Wednesday, September 25. The opening session will be held in the historic Ca’ Granda building, while all technical sessions and tracks will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science. The conference is sponsored
Meetings Archive
LibreOffice Conference – Registration is now open
In less than four weeks, the LibreOffice Conference 2013 will take place in Milan, Italy.
LibOCon is the global and annual event for the whole LibreOffice community and ecosystem, with creators, adopters and users meeting and gathering, exchanging ideas and thoughts. Dates are September 25-27 – see the conference site.
After the Call for Papers
Call for Papers extended until August 22
From September 24 to 27, this year’s annual LibreOffice Conference takes place in Milano, Italy. It is the major annual event for all LibreOffice contributors, supporters, adopters and users, and will be jointly hosted by the Milan University together with the LibreOffice community.
We hereby announce that the Call for Papers will be extended until August
LibreOffice Conference 2013 Call for Papers Announced
Berlin, July 5, 2013 – LibreOffice Conference will be held in Milan, Italy, on September 25-27, 2013, at the Department of Computer Science of Milan State University. The Document Foundation invites members and volunteers to submit proposals for papers. Whether you are a seasoned presenter, or have never stood up in public before, if you
LibreOffice Bay Area Meetup on May, 11 2013
After the success of the LibreOffice Impress Sprint in Germany last month, we are very happy to announce the first LibreOffice Bay Area Meetup. It will take place on May 11, 2013 starting at 2pm in the Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, California. Simon Phipps and Bjoern Michaelsen will
Impress Sprint Dresden Retrospective
The weekend before Easter, a number of hackers congregated in the beautiful city of Dresden, Germany for the first Impress Sprint. Hosted by Dresden Technical University’s Institute for Applied Photophysics, and run by TDF volunteers, the event was rooted in the desire to improve Impress for power users, and getting a number of those tiny,