LibreOffice Archive

Improvements in LibreOffice’s PowerPoint presentation support

LibreOffice’s native file format is OpenDocument, a fully open and standardised format that’s great for sharing documents and long-term data storage. Of course, LibreOffice does its best to open files made by other office software as well, even if they’re stored in pseudo-“standards” with cryptic and obfuscated contents. Compatibility with PowerPoint PPT(X) presentations

LibreOffice Macro Team: progress report

Macros help users to automate common tasks in LibreOffice. In September 2019 we announced a new team in our community to work on macro support. A progress report was published in November 2019, so let’s review everything that happened since then.

If you are interested in

Announcing the LibreOffice Help editor

News from the documentation community: The Help project of LibreOffice underwent a major revamp in the last couple of years, with the introduction of the browser-based Help replacing the old Writer-Web solution. Still, editing the Help XML files (XHP) continued to be very hard for any volunteer or skilled developer, due to the specifics

Community Member Monday: Leif-Jöran Olsson

Members of The Document Foundation – the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice – help to steer the project, vote for the Board of Directors, and spread the word. Today we’re talking to Leif-Jöran Olsson, who has recently become a member of TDF…

To start with, tell us a bit about yourself!


Indonesian LibreOffice community: Online translation marathon

Communities around the world help to translate and localise LibreOffice in over 100 languages. We really appreciate their efforts! Even when they can’t meet in person, they hold online events to make progress, as Ahmad Haris reports:

March 28, 2020: The Indonesian LibreOffice community held an online translation marathon, which focused

LibreOffice monthly recap: March 2020

Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more. March was a difficult month for many people around the world, so we’d like to say en extra big thank you to everyone who contributed time