LibreOffice Archive

LibreOffice project and community recap: May 2023

Community members in Italy

Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more…

  • We started May with the Month of LibreOffice! This is a campaign that we run twice a year, encouraging users to join our

Welcome Khaled Hosny, new Developer at TDF

Khaled Hosny

The Document Foundation (TDF) is the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice, providing infrastructure and support for the community that makes the suite. Recently, TDF decided to expand its small team with a new Developer, focusing on improving LibreOffice’s language support. This will help to

LibreOffice Community at Events in Italy, Spring 2023

LibreOffice meetup in Italy, 2023

Emiliano Vavassori, Deputy Chairperson in The Document Foundation’s Board of Directors, give us an update on recent events in Italy:

Linux Arena at Fiera del Radioamatore – Pordenone, April 23rd and 24th

As in every spring, the Pordenone Linux Users Group (PNlug) organizes an internal

LibreOffice Documentation Updates in 2022 – Annual Report

LibreOffice Bookshelf

In 2022, the documentation community continued to update LibreOffice guidebooks and the Help application

(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2022 – we’ll post the full version here soon.)

New and translated guides

Throughout the year, the documentation project closed the gap between LibreOffice’s major

Success story: Fixing a limitation in LibreOffice Calc

Ever heard the term “scratching your own itch”? Wiktionary describes it as “doing something out of motivation to solve a personal problem”. In the world of free and open source software development, this happens a lot! Anyone can contribute to FOSS projects like LibreOffice, and help to improve them.

And that’s exactly what Rafael

Hispanic LibreOffice community at esLibre Conference 2023

Xisco Fauli from The Document Foundation (the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice) writes:

On May 12 and 13, the esLibre Conference took place in Zaragoza, Spain and the Spanish-speaking LibreOffice community took the opportunity to meet in person and talk about the project.

Ismael Fanlo presented a workshop about pivot tables