LibreOffice 6.2 is being developed by our worldwide community, and is due to be released in early February, 2019 – see the release notes describing the new features here. LibreOffice 6.2 will include a new (optional!) user interface design called the Notebookbar – see here for some screenshots. You can
LibreOffice Archive
Quick report: LinuxDays and OpenAlt in Czech Republic
Want to help spread the word about LibreOffice, free software and open standards? Attend a local computing event, and tell people about it! Stanislav Horáček writes about some recent events in the Czech Republic…
With our LibreOffice booth, Zdeněk Crhonek and I attended the two biggest Czech FOSS events, LinuxDays in Prague
Quick report: LibreOffice 6.2 Bug Hunting Session in Ankara, Turkey
Our community is working on LibreOffice 6.2, which is due to be released in early February 2019! While developers are adding new features, other community members are helping to test them, in the form of Bug Hunting Sessions. You can learn more about these on our Quality Assurance blog, and in the meantime,
Month of LibreOffice, November 2018: One week in
One week ago we started a new Month of LibreOffice, celebrating contributions all across the project. And over 100 sticker packs have already been awarded!
Not got one yet? Then join in – here are some ways to get involved and claim your stickers:
Starting today: the Month of LibreOffice, November 2018!
Yes, it’s that time of the year again! As you probably know, LibreOffice is made by hundreds of people around the world. We have a busy community working on source code, documentation, translations, user support, marketing and many other topics. And throughout November, we want to give special credit to every
LibreOffice monthly recap: October 2018
Here’s our regular recap of events and updates in the last month!
- The Albanian LibreOffice Community made an awesome recap video of our recent conference in Tirana. Check it out:
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