Now that the LibreOffice Conference has finished, we’re back to our regular contributor interviews. This week it’s the turn of Regina Henschel who helps LibreOffice users by answering questions, testing new features and working on bug reports.
What is your IRC nickname / location /

In this week’s interview, we talk to Susobhan Ghosh, who got involved in the project earlier this year and has been working on tasks for the Google Summer of Code (GSoC).
First off, what’s your IRC nickname, nationality and blog URL?
It’s been over a month since our last contributor interview, as we’ve been busy with the release of LibreOffice 5.2, but now we’re back – and this time we’re talking to Franklin Weng, who is active within the marketing and migration teams.

What is your

In this week’s developer interview, we talk to Winfried Donkers, a Dutch coder who has been using LibreOffice (and its predecessors) for almost two decades, and today works on Calc.
Where are you based, and do you work for a LibreOffice-related company or just code

In our next developer interview, we talk to Krishna Keshav, a new contributor to the LibreOffice project who is currently working on Easy Hacks and plans to expand into more complex bug-fixes in the future…
Where are you based, and do you work for
Following our previous interviews with Xisco Fauli and Muhammet Kara, we now speak to Laurent Balland-Poirier, who works in his spare time on Calc.
Where are you based, and do you work for a LibreOffice-related company or just code in your spare time?
I’m teaching chemical engineering at Rouen University (Normandy, France), and doing some