Rania Amina from the Indonesian LibreOffice community writes:
On Wednesday, 18 May 2022, I had the opportunity to talk in one of the sessions at the Virtual Visit of SMK Amaliah 1 Ciawi Bogor. This activity is a routine agenda for Amaliah Vocational School in the form of seminars and visits
The Impress Guide 7.3 has just arrived with the latest LibreOffice Impress 7.3 developments.

This 374 pages book covers the main features of Impress, the presentations (slide show) component of LibreOffice. You can create slides that contain text, bulleted and numbered lists,

Zdeněk Crhonek (aka “raal”) from the Czech LibreOffice community writes:
The Czech team has finished its translation of the LibreOffice Getting Started Guide 7.3. As usual it was team work, namely: translations by Petr Kuběj, Zdeněk Crhonek and Ludmila Chládková; localized pictures by Roman Toman; and technical support from

Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more…
- Throughout the month, we posted sections from our Annual Report 2021, covering activities at The Document Foundation and in the LibreOffice project. First was LibreOffice in

Boost your skillset and learn new things – join the Month of LibreOffice! The software is a worldwide, community open source project – and many people who help to improve it, actually started out as regular users of the software.
So in the coming four weeks, we’d love it if you get
The 2022 edition of the Latin-American LibreOffice Conference will take place in Brasilia, Brazil between August 25 and 26. The event will be held at the Catholic University of Brasília, in the Taquaritinga – DF.

The conference aims to bring together the community of LibreOffice contributors and users and promote the