Here’s our summary of updates, events and activities in the LibreOffice project in the last four weeks – click the links to learn more…
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We’ve uploaded the first batch of videos from the recent LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024! (Apologies for the video stutter in a few places – which was beyond our control.)
This is just the beginning, with many more still to come (and PeerTube versions too). So enjoy watching, and click in the top-right to choose videos from the playlist…
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Here’s your chance to learn new skills for a potential future career change, or expand your knowledge and have fun on the way: get involved in the Month of LibreOffice, November 2024! Over the next four weeks, hundreds of people around the world will collaborate to improve the software – and you can help them.…

Berlin, 31 October 2024 – LibreOffice 24.2.7, the seventh and final planned minor update to the LibreOffice 24.2 branch, is available on our download page for Windows, macOS and Linux.
The release includes over 50 bug and regression fixes over LibreOffice 24.2.6 [1] to improve the stability and robustness of the software, as well as interoperability with legacy and proprietary document formats.…

LibreOffice Conference 2024 (Luxembourg) group photo
Once a year, the LibreOffice community gathers for a global community event: the LibreOffice Conference. After a series of successful events – Paris, Berlin, Milan, Bern, Aarhus, Brno, Rome, Tirana, Almeria, two events online, Milan again, and Bucharest – it was held in Luxembourg in 2024. And we had a great time!…