The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.6.1

Berlin, August 29, 2012 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 3.6.1, a new and improved version of the best free office suite ever. It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux, solving a number of issues and regressions, plus further improving the stability of the program. LibreOffice 3.6.1 is offered in over 100 languages, covering all the countries of Europe and the Americas, and many countries in Africa and Asia/Pacific where it is often the only available native language suite.…

LibreOffice Conference 2013 Call for Locations

Once a year, the LibreOffice Community hosts its annual, global community event, the LibreOffice Conference. After a successful Paris event in October 2011, and in the light of the Berlin Conference (October 16th to 19th), the venue for the upcoming year 2013 will be voted on by the community. By starting already now, we want to help the proponents of the 2013 event learn from the organizers of the 2012 event.…

LibreOffice 3.5.6 is available

The Document Foundation is proud to announce that as of today, LibreOffice 3.5.6 is available.

The 3.5 series is currently being maintained in parallel to our newly released version 3.6, and is dedicated to more conservative users. Today’s release fixes a number of bugs, and is the recommended version for all users of the 3.5 series.…

LibreOffice Conference needs you!

The next LibreOffice Conference, the annual gathering of all project members, users and interested parties, takes place in Berlin, Germany, from October 17th to 19th, with an additional community day on the 16th.

We are still looking for lectures and talks from end-users, developers, community members, and everyone else who can contribute something interesting on LibreOffice, The Document Foundation and the OpenDocument format.…

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.6 with a wealth of new features and improvements

Berlin, August 8, 2012 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.6, the fourth major release of the best free office suite ever, which provides a large number of new features and incremental improvement over the previous versions. Innovations range from invisible features such as improved performance and interoperability to the more visible ones such as user interface tweaks, where theming has improved to more closely match current design best-practice.…

Travel bursaries for LibOCon

This is to inform you about travel bursaries for the LibreOffice Conference.

We are trying to enable as many contributors as possible to join us in Berlin, to meet their community friends, to listen to exciting lectures, and to work on the future of the best free office suite, LibreOffice.

Unfortunately, we are a rather young foundation, depending on donations, with a budget of currently 20.000 € for the rest of the year.…