Stellungnahme der Document Foundation zur bevorstehenden Diskussion der Stadt München über eine Rückmigration zu Windows und MS Office

The Document Foundation ist eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Stiftung und die Heimat von LibreOffice. Wir haben die Entwicklungen in München mit großer Besorgnis verfolgt und sind enttäuscht darüber, dass eine kleine Gruppe von Politikern offensichtlich den Rat genau derjenigen Experten ignoriert, die sie zuvor selbst aufgesucht haben.

Seit der Wahl von Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter sind regelmäßig Gerüchte über eine Rückkehr der Stadt München zu Microsoft Windows und Microsoft Office im Umlauf.…

LibreOffice 5.3 triggers a record of donations

In this case, one image is better than 1,000 words, as the histogram represents donations during the first 10 days of each month, since May 2013, and doesn’t need any further comment. LibreOffice 5.3 has triggered 3,937 donations in February 2017, 1,800 more than in March 2016, and over 2,000 – sometimes over 3,000 – more than any other month.…

LibreOffice 5.3: A week in stats

We announced LibreOffice 5.3 one week ago, and a lot has happened in the meantime! Here’s a summary of downloads, web page views, social media activity and other statistics. We’ve also compared these to the LibreOffice 5.2 first week stats to see how the project and community is progressing…

410,472 downloads of LibreOffice 5.3

This is a 32% increase over the first week of LibreOffice 5.2 – and note that it only includes downloads from our servers and mirrors, and not other sources (such as Linux distribution package repositories).…

The Document Foundation announces feature-rich LibreOffice 5.3

Berlin, February 1st, 2017 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 5.3, one of the most feature-rich releases in the history of the application. The office suite is immediately available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, and for the first time also for the private cloud.

LibreOffice 5.3 represents a significant step forward in the evolution of the software: it offers an introduction to new features such as online with collaborative editing, which increase the competitive positioning of the application, and at the same time provides incremental improvements, to make the program more reliable, interoperable and user-friendly.…

Announcement of LibreOffice 5.2.5

Berlin, January 26, 2017 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 5.2.5 “still”, the fifth minor release of the LibreOffice 5.2 family. Based on the upcoming announcement of LibreOffice 5.3, all users are invited to update to LibreOffice 5.2.5 from LibreOffice 5.1.6 or previous versions.

TDF suggests deploying LibreOffice in large organizations, public administrations and enterprises with the backing of professional support by certified people (a list is available at

LibreOffice contributor interview: Tamás Bunth

LibreOffice developers, testers, translators and documentation authors are working hard on LibreOffice 5.3, which is due for release in early February. One contributor to the project, Tamás Bunth, has been helping to improve Base, the database front-end of the suite. We caught up with him to ask how he got involved with LibreOffice and what the community is like…

Where do you live, and are you active on IRC channels or social media?