This year, LibreOffice was once again a mentoring organization in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a global program focused on bringing more student developers into free and open source software development. Two projects were finished successfully. Students and mentors enjoyed the time, and here
Technology Archive
Using LibreOffice Base to Teach Relational Database Management
Dominique Welt, Ph.D. Candidate and instructor at McGill University, writes:
This summer, my paper on using LibreOffice Base to teach relational database management was featured at the Twenty-eighth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). AMCIS is the Americas’ major conference for management information systems scholars. The paper draws from my experience using
LibreOffice 7.4.1 Community available for download
Berlin, September 15, 2022 – LibreOffice 7.4.1 Community, the first maintenance release of LibreOffice 7.4, the volunteer-supported office suite for personal productivity on the desktop, is immediately available from for Windows (Intel and
Index of Training Videos about LibreOffice
In order to make it easier for users to find training videos about LibreOffice, we have created a comprehensive index updated to the end of April 2022 using the open source Zotero bibliography and reference management
Projects selected for LibreOffice in the Google Summer of Code 2022
The LibreOffice Google Summer of Code projects have been selected for 2022.
- Hannah Meeks – VBA Macros – Tests and missing APIs : We support VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) Macros in LibreOffice, but the implemented API isn’t complete and the API functions aren’t largely tested. The consequence of this is that
Annual Report: TDF’s infrastructure in 2021
In 2021, the infrastructure team migrated our “Ask LibreOffice” site to Discourse, deployed a Decidim instance, and assisted with video streaming during the LibreOffice Conference.
(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2021 – we’ll post the full version here soon.)
LibreOffice’s infrastructure team is responsible for