By Dave Barton
In recent times, the very small LibreOffice Documentation Team has been making real progress in revising and updating the user guides:
Release 6.4 |
Release 7.0 |
Calc Guide | Published | Work in progress |
Base Guide | Published | Work in progress |
Draw Guide | Published | Work in progress |
Impress Guide | Skipped | Work in progress |
Math Guide | Published | Awaiting volunteer contributors |
Writer Guide | Published | Awaiting volunteer contributors |
01 Sep 2020
Hispanic LibreOffice Community: Fourth virtual meetingDaniel Armando Rodriguez writes: On Saturday August 22, in the Ibero-American afternoon/evening, the Hispanic Community met for the fourth consecutive month with panelists who covered several topics related to the office suite par-excellence in the FLOSS world. The event was broadcast live on YouTube and Facebook. The activity began at 16:00 UTC, 23 Jun 2020
Online events in the LibreOffice Hispanic communityEveryone loves to meet in person, share ideas, work on the software and have a good time. Of course, “real life” meetings have been difficult in the last few months, so many communities in the LibreOffice project have chosen to go online. Daniel A. Rodriguez gives us an update:
18 May 2020
Hispanic LibreOffice community meets onlineLibreOffice communities around the world love to meet in person, share ideas, work on the software, and have a good time. Of course, “real life” meetings have been difficult in recent months, so communities are going online instead. Daniel A. Rodriguez, LibreOffice contributor based in Argentina and TDF Board member, 03 Apr 2020
Indonesian LibreOffice community: Online translation marathonCommunities around the world help to translate and localise LibreOffice in over 100 languages. We really appreciate their efforts! Even when they can’t meet in person, they hold online events to make progress, as Ahmad Haris reports:
11 Mar 2020
LibreOffice at InstallFest 2020, Prague, 29 February – 1 MarchOur Czech LibreOffice community attends events around the country, spreading the word about LibreOffice, free software and open standards. Today, Petr Valach reports back from InstallFest, which took place on 29 February and 1 March. InstallFest focuses on GNU/Linux, helping new users to install the operating system, but also |