LibreOffice Archive

Coming up on Friday: first Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice 6.0 Alpha 1

The LibreOffice community has returned from a great conference in Rome (more on that later this week), and we’re now working eagerly on LibreOffice 6.0, which is due to be released at the end of January 2018. This version will include a large number of new features – and those already implemented

The LibreOffice Conference 2017 begins!

This year’s LibreOffice Conference, which is being held in Rome, has started. Over 160 people have registered, and the event begins with an overview of The Document Foundation, LibreOffice and our sponsors. If you’re attending the conference, we hope you have a great time! We’ll be posting regular updates on

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 5.4.2

Berlin, October 5, 2017 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 5.4.2, the second minor release of the LibreOffice 5.4 family, which was originally announced in early August. LibreOffice 5.4.2 continues to represent the bleeding edge in terms of features, and as such is targeted at technology enthusiasts and early adopters.


LibreOffice community celebrates 7th anniversary

Results of survey amongst desktop users confirm project’s momentum

Berlin, September 28, 2017 – Today, the LibreOffice community celebrates the 7th anniversary of the leading free office suite, adopted by millions of users

Coming up on 28th September: Reddit “Ask us Anything” (and a birthday)

Thursday, 28th September 2017 will be a special day – not only is it the seventh birthday of The Document Foundation, but we will also be running an “Ask me (us) Anything” session on Reddit – specifically, the /r/linux subreddit.

Team and board members from The Document Foundation will be on hand to answer

Marketing activities so far in 2017: Mike Saunders

Thanks to donations to The Document Foundation, along with valued contributions from our community, we maintain a small team working on various aspects of LibreOffice including documentation, user interface design, quality assurance, release engineering and marketing. Together with Italo Vignoli, I help with the latter, and