Interviews Archive

LibreOffice developer interview: Xisco Fauli

Xisco Fauli LibreOffice developer

A few weeks ago we talked to Muhammet Kara about his work on LibreOffice, and today we hear from Xisco Faulí, a Spanish developer who started with Easy Hacks to get familiar with the code…

Where are you based, and do you work for

LibreOffice developer interview: Muhammet Kara

Every new LibreOffice release is built on the work of developers around the world, who collaborate to add new features and fix bugs. But who are these developers? How did they get involved in LibreOffice, what is their vision for the future of the software, and how

Interview of Naruhiko Ogasawara, a localizer from Japan

LibreOffice can only exist since people are working on it: so please, tell us a bit about yourself.402282_464389833584422_1344809811_n

I’m a member of LibreOffice Japanese Team; working in the backyard of Japanese community. Driving

Interview with LibreOffice localizers around the world: Helen & Sophie

Today we interview two great women, Helen Ushakova and Sophie Gautier, from the Russophone and Francophone communities.helenrussian

LibreOffice can only exist since people are working on it: so please, tell us a bit

Developer Interview: KOHEI YOSHIDA

(Submitted by Marc Paré, November 5, 2012)

Kohei YoshidaKohei Yoshida is a well-known individual on the LibreOffice project. To many, he is considered as one of the core group of developers who have contributed

Developer Interview: Lionel Elie Mamane, LibreOffice Base Maintainer and Volunteer

(Interview by Michael Meeks, edited by Marc Paré)

In our continuing series “Developer Interview”, Lionel Elie Mamane discusses his work with LibreOffice code and of his particular interest with Base. His lead role in maintaining the Base module is helping raise the use of Base among the LibreOffice community at large.

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