Development Archive

LibreOffice: the numbers

The LibreOffice project keeps growing, and 2015 numbers have just confirmed this positive trend.


LibreOffice getting ready for the next 1,000 hackers

janiversensmallBerlin, November 23, 2015 – The Document Foundation announces a renewed effort to grow the developers community beyond the threshold of 1,000 hackers reached in October 2015 (source: OpenHub), with the addition of Jan Iversen –

First LibreOffice 5.0 Bug Hunting Session starts Tomorrow

Berlin, May 21, 2015 – The first LibreOffice 5.0 Bug Hunting Session starts tomorrow at 08AM UTC, to catch bugs and regressions on the first beta of the software, available from this link: The session will last until May 24, 2015.

On those dates, mentors will be available from 08AM UTC to 10PM UTC

Tender to develop and incorporate usability metrics collection for LibreOffice (#201502-02)

The Document Foundation (TDF), the charitable entity behind the world’s leading free office suite LibreOffice, seeks for companies or individuals to

develop and incorporate usability metrics collection for LibreOffice

to start work as soon as possible.

In order to improve the user interface, human interaction and usability of LibreOffice, The Document Foundation is looking for an individual or