Design Archive

LibreOffice design, UX and UI updates – TDF’s Annual Report 2023

TDF Annual Report banner

Design has been one of the major focus points of LibreOffice in the last few years, and the Design community has produced new icon sets, new MIME type icons, a hugely improved dark mode, and improvements to the NotebookBar

(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual

LibreOffice user interface improvements: Annual Report 2022

Colibre icons

Design (UI and UX) has been one of the major focus points of LibreOffice in the last few years, and the Design community has produced new icon sets and a number of incremental updates to the user interface – menus, toolbars and the SideBar – along with improvements to

LibreOffice Dark Mode: Manual switch to enable/disable coming in 7.5.1

LibreOffice 7.5 introduced a new Dark Mode, activated automatically to match your system settings. But many of you asked for a manual switch, so our Design community has implemented it for the next update – LibreOffice 7.5.1, in two weeks!

Options dialog, showing manual switch

Follow the Design community’s

Heiko Tietze (TDF) on Mentoring Designers – Sustain Design Podcast

Following our appearance on the Sustain FOSS podcast, Heiko Tietze from The Document Foundation talked on the sister Sustain Design podcast about mentoring designers in the LibreOffice project, and other UI/UX topics.

Click here to listen!

LibreOffice Conference 2021: Announcing the logo!

In late June, we started a competition to design the logo for our upcoming LibreOffice Conference 2021. We received 22 submissions with many great ideas – thanks to everyone who took part!

The conference organisers examined every design and ranked them, and today we’re announcing the winner, which is created by Alan Ward. Here’s how

LibreOffice Design Community Work in 2020

Design has been one of the major focus points of LibreOffice in the last few years, and has produced new icon sets and a number of incremental updates to the user interface – menus, toolbars and the SideBar – and the creation of the brand new NotebookBar…

(This is part of