Conference Archive

LibreOffice Conference Organization CheckList

I have organized the LibreOffice Conference in 2013 (Milan) and 2017 (Rome), after having organized the OOo Conference in 2009 (Orvieto). So, I am qualified for the creation of a

Video: Bjoern Michaelsen talks about growing the LibreOffice community

Bjoern Michaelsen is on the Board of Directors at The Document Foundation. We talked to him at the recent LibreOffice Conference in Rome about the challenges of growing a community. Also, we look ahead to some new ideas for hackfests.

LibreOffice Conference 2017: Group photos

We’ve had some requests to share the group photos from the recent LibreOffice Conference in Rome, so here they are! (These are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.)

Click for high-res versions:

Call for Papers Open Document Editors DevRoom at FOSDEM 2018

FOSDEM is one of the largest gatherings of Free Software contributors in the world and happens each year in Brussels (Belgium) at the ULB Campus Solbosch. In 2018, it will be held on Saturday, February

LibreOffice Conference attendee report: Brett Cornwall

Brett helps out with TDF’s infrastructure, and joined us at our recent LibreOffice Conference in Rome. Here’s what he had to say about the event – and a couple of photos too!

2017’s LibreOffice conference marked my first visit outside of the United States. I arrived some days before the conference so that I

LibreOffice contributor interview: Franklin Weng

At the recent LibreOffice Conference in Rome, we took the opportunity to meet up and talk to various contributors to the project, like Franklin Weng from Taiwan. Franklin is helping to get LibreOffice and the Open Document Format (ODF) adopted by governments and enterprises. In this interview, he talks about his strategy and experiences.