Community Archive

LibreOffice QA sessions in IRC

Are you interested in learning more about quality assurance? Do you want to help find and verify bugs? Want to help us in making LibreOffice a better product? Then join our QA sessions in IRC! The first session takes place on April 15th and 16th, and everyone is welcome — routined QA engineers as

Six Months of Freedom and Community

On September 28th, 2010, The Document Foundation was announced. The last six months, it feels, have just passed within a short glimpse of time. Not only did we release three LibreOffice versions within three months, have created the LibreOffice-Box DVD image, and brought LibreOffice Portable on its way. We also have

We’re now an SPI-associated project

We’re proud to announce, that from now on, LibreOffice is also an SPI-associated project. This also helps users from the US to donate via credit card and local bank accounts (don’t forget to mention “LibreOffice” when donating).

LibreOffice 3.3 release party in Rijeka (Croatia)

By Vedran Miletić

LibreOffice 3.3 release party in Rijeka (Croatia)

Event was originally planned for January when we expected release of LibO 3.3. Since LibO was released on 25.1, we decided to postpone because of the last

Public Marketing Conference Call on March 29th

The next marketing confcall will take place on Tuesday, March 29th, at 16:00 UTC (=18:00 German time). Remember that in some countries, daylight saving time will be in effect by that date! To determine your local date and time, see the converter in the Doodle poll at

Dial-in details will be provided in time.

How large is the LibreOffice community? A mailing list approach

For quite a while, I have been asked about the number of subscriptions in our mailing lists. I’ve now spent some time in the night and hacked a little bash script, to compile recent numbers, and will regularly post these to our moderators mailing list. Today’s statistics, for example, are available in this