Author Archive

Advent Resource #3: ODF Guidance by UK Cabinet Office (1)

downloadIn July 2014, the UK government has selected Open Document Format (ODF) – LibreOffice native document format, officially published as international ISO/IEC standard 26300 on November 30, 2006 – as the standard for editable office

Advent Resource #2: TDF/LibreOffice Press Releases

downloadThe Document Foundation issues a press release in English – and in other languages, according to the availability of volunteer translators – for major and minor software releases, and for other significant announcements such as

Advent Resource #1: TDF/LibreOffice Press Clippings

downloadThe Document Foundation and LibreOffice produce a large number of articles in every kind of media, especially online: from dailies to tech magazines and blogs in every possible language. Keeping track of every publication

AskBot translation marathon in Basque language

bannereskubiLibrezale, an open working collective that has the objective to promote the Basque language in technology and are best known for their localizations of Free Software (they maintain Firefox, WordPress, LibreOffice and Gnome, amongst the others) are

Get to know TDF Core Team: interview with Sophie Gautier

brno47Typical day of Sophie

A first thing of the day (together with coffee) is to read mails in my inbox, sort them by priorities and begin to answer. Then I do moderation on

Second Bug Hunting Session for LibreOffice 5.3

noun_83830_ccLibreOffice 5.3 will be announced at the end of January 2017, with a large number of new features which are summarized on the release notes page: In order to find,