Join the LibreOffice Hackfest!

Dear Community,

next weekend, from September 2nd to 4th, the first LibreOffice Hackfest will take place in the city of Munich, Germany.

The Hackfest is the gathering of LibreOffice developers from all around the world, where experienced coders and interested developers meet and work on the code, fix bugs and implement new features. Plus, it is a great chance to see many faces from the community in the wonderful setting of Bavaria’s capital city.…

Election Announcement for The Document Foundation Board of Directors

Simon Phipps posted the following today on the announcement mailing list:

Having been asked by the Steering Committee and Membership Committee to act as the Elections Officer for The Document Foundation,  it is my pleasure to announce that we will now conduct  the election of a Board of Directors. This election is following the Bylaws [1] of our Foundation.…

LibreOffice 3.3.4 is Ready for Download

The Document Foundation announces the availability of LibreOffice 3.3.4, a new release of the free office suite’s 3.3 branch. The new version is available for download at

LibreOffice 3.3.4 fixes several bugs, the next maintenance release 3.3.5 is scheduled for October. In the meantime, development is continuing on the 3.4 series, which offers new features.…

LibreOffice 3.4.2 for enterprise users

Thanks to the work of 300 contributors, the new LibreOffice comes with substantial improvements

The Internet, August 1, 2011 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 3.4.2, the third version of the 3.4 family, targeting both private individuals and enterprises. LibreOffice 3.4.2 fixes the majority of the most-important bugs identified by users in the previous version, and can be deployed for production needs by most enterprises.

A glimpse at our developer community

Since the start of The Document Foundation, we’ve been aiming for a healthy and vivid ecosystem, for involving many corporate contributors, as well as for strenghtening the volunteer developers. Looking at the current numbers, it becomes obvious that the developer community is indeed well balanced between company-sponsored contributors and independent community volunteers:

Employers with the most developers (total 300)

  • (Unknown): 205 (68.3%)
  • Oracle: 54 (18.0%)
  • SUSE: 20 (6.7%)
  • Known contributors: 9 (3.0%)
  • Canonical: 4 (1.3%)
  • Redhat: 2 (0.7%)
  • SIL: 2 (0.7%)
  • CodeThink: 1 (0.3%)
  • Bobiciel: 1 (0.3%)
  • Lanedo: 1 (0.3%)
  • Tata Consultancy Services: 1 (0.3%)

More than 24 hours to go…

…since we have just extended the deadline for sending in papers for the LibreOffice Conference. You can now send in your proposals until August 8th!