The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.5.4

Up to 100% performance improvements thanks to the efforts  of a diverse and growing developer and QA community

Berlin, May 30, 2012 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.5.4, the fifth version of the free office suite’s 3.5 family. LibreOffice 3.5.4 offers significant performance improvements over the previous versions of the product, which are the combined result of the many code optimizations executed during the last months and the bug and regression chasing activity performed regularly by volunteers and developers.…

Hackfest in Munich on November 23-25

Dear Community,

we are pleased to announce that the next LibreOffice Hackfest, the event where developers from all over the world gather to work on the code, discuss and have a good time, will take place

November 23-25
in Munich, Germany

For the second time already, the LiMux project team of the city of Munich invited us, and we are proud and honoured to be their guests.…

Hackfest date

This is another reminder to cast your vote for the Hackfest, since we would like to fix and announce the date soon.

The available options are listed in this poll:

New and changed functions; you can experience and test them … now!

Without doubt you are very much interested in the latest news for LibreOffice and the new and improved functions that will be in the next version!
Now, this is your chance to both get to know these and to help the developers working on all this!
You can simply download the latest nightly build, and install it on your computer.…

The Document Foundation announces a Certification Program

The Document Foundation announces a Certification Program
to foster the provision of professional services around LibreOffice

Berlin, May 7, 2012 – The Document Foundation announces the Certification Program, to foster the provision of professional services around LibreOffice and help the growth of the ecosystem of the world’s best free office suite. The program is outlined on the following page:

Facebook groups and pages

There is currently a discussion going on about removing our Facebook group in favor of a regular page. If you want to join the discussion, we look forward to your comments!