If you are a LibreOffice user, you can download the Hybrid PDF from here and open it as a normal ODF file (using File > Open). If you are not a LibreOffice user, you can open the file using a PDF viewer, or install LibreOffice to discover this unique feature.
…Meeting Richard Stallman
Following his speech the day before at the University of Munich, TDF Chair Florian Effenberger and admin team member Alexander Werner, together with a group of students, had the chance of meeting Richard Stallman. It was a fun day getting input from the President of the Free Software Foundation, who alongside many others, are a key member of our Advisory Board.…
LibreOffice 3.5.5 is available
Stability enhancements and bugfixes thanks to a large, diverse and rapidly growing developer community
Improvements in Calc, Impress, font handling and compatibility to third-party formats
Berlin, July 11th, 2012. The Document Foundation today announces the immediate availability of LibreOffice 3.5.5, the current version of the free office suite.
This release fixes a number of bugs and further improves the stability of the software, making it the best version available for corporate and enterprise adoption.…
Visa for the LibreOffice Conference
From October 17th to 19th, the LibreOffice Conference takes place in Berlin, Germany, with one additional community meeting day on October 16th.
People living outside Europe and the “Schengen area” may require a visa to participate. Based on our experience, depending on the country of origin, applying for such a visa can be a lenghty, tedious task.…
LibreOffice 3.6 Bug Hunting Party – July 6 & 7
TDF announces the LibreOffice 3.6 Bug Hunting Party to improve the quality and stability of the best free office suite ever
Berlin, June 29, 2012 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces the LibreOffice 3.6 bug hunting party, to be held in a virtual environment on July 6 and 7, 2012. Volunteer bug hunters will gather on the Internet from the five continents to spot software problems of the upcoming new major release, featuring a large number of improvements and new functions, in order to make LibreOffice 3.6 again the best free office suite ever.…
LibreOffice 3.6 Bug Hunting Party – July 6 & 7
TDF announces the LibreOffice 3.6 Bug Hunting Party to improve the quality and stability of the best free office suite ever
Berlin, June 29, 2012 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces the LibreOffice 3.6 bug hunting party, to be held in a virtual environment on July 6 and 7, 2012.
Volunteer bug hunters will gather on the Internet from the five continents to spot software problems of the upcoming new major release, featuring a large number of improvements and new functions, in order to make LibreOffice 3.6 again the best free office suite ever.…