One of the most valueable assets of The Document Foundation, the charitable entity behind LibreOffice, clearly is its infrastructure. It provides the grounds where the community develops, markets, designs, improves and offers its free office suite for download.
That’s why it comes to no surprise that the infrastructure budget is one of the largest spendings. As of today, we spend about 700 € per month on infrastructure, which is more than 50% of our regular monthly operations budget – quite a lot for a foundation of our size.…
We would like to publish a collection of images from the LibreOffice Conference 2012. Lots of people at the venue made photos, and we invite you to share them with us. 🙂
You can upload them at
Here’s how to do that:
- Please ZIP them,
- put a file with your name
- as well as the image license into the archive.
Berlin, October 18, 2012 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.5.7, the seventh and possibly last version of the free office suite’s 3.5 family, which solves additional bugs and regressions, and offers stability improvements over LibreOffice 3.5.6.
The Document Foundation suggests all users to upgrade from previous versions to LibreOffice 3.5.7.
LibreOffice 3.5.7 is available for immediate download from the following link:…
LibreOffice Conference opens in Berlin
LibreOffice Conference, Berlin, October 17, 2012 – Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board of The Document Foundation, has officially opened the 2nd LibreOffice Conference ( addressing the authorities and the community members gathered in the capital city of Germany from the five continents.
“As of today, LibreOffice is being used by close to 60 million people.…
LibreOffice Conference live session streaming will be available from, starting from tomorrow at 10AM (CEST, or UTC+2).
There will be 3 live video streams of the talks and presentations:
- Stream 1 from the Aula (Wednesday through Friday),
- Stream 2 from the Eichensaal (Wednesday and Thursday) or the Hörsaal (Friday), respectively,
- Stream 3 from the Konferenzraum 2 (Wednesday through Friday).