Impress Remote for Android is one of the coolest features introduced by LibreOffice 4.0. With version 4.0.1, it is compatible with every platform – Linux, MacOS and Windows – and works like a charm.
In order to install and operate the Impress Remote you must first download it from Google Play on your Android smartphone, and then follow a simple procedure, which is described in this wiki page and also in this video:
If you like the Impress Remote for Android, please remember that The Document Foundation is a not for profit entity which lives thanks to the work of many volunteers, but also thanks to donations, which support infrastructure, marketing and community development.…
Impress Remote for Android now available on every platform
Berlin, March 6, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 4.0.1, for Windows, MacOS and Linux, the first release after the successful launch of LibreOffice 4.0 in early February, which has yielded rates of entirely new client IP addresses requesting updates each day over the 100,000 mark (they were just 25,000 one year ago).…
LibreOffice can only exist since people are working on it: so please, tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m a member of LibreOffice Japanese Team; working in the backyard of Japanese community. Driving translation, reporting bugs instead of people who can’t use English and attending FLOSS events in Japan.
In the team, my main task is translation of LibreOffice UI, and sometimes Wiki pages, and I’m one of the administrator of Pootle Japanese group.…
The free office suite the community has been dreaming of for twelve years
Berlin, February 7, 2013 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 4.0, the free office suite the community has been dreaming of since 2001. LibreOffice 4.0 is the first release that reflects the objectives set by the community at the time of the announcement, in September 2010: a cleaner and leaner code base, an improved set of features, better interoperability, and a more diverse and inclusive ecosystem.…
Today we interview two great women, Helen Ushakova and Sophie Gautier, from the Russophone and Francophone communities.
LibreOffice can only exist since people are working on it: so please, tell us a bit about yourself.
Helen: My name is Elena Ushakova, also known by nicknames as Helen Russian (helenrussian, helen_russian). I am 36 years old. I’m full-time employed as a corporate web applications programmer.…
Volunteers will present the progress in code development at FOSDEM
Berlin, January 30, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 3.6.5, for Windows, MacOS and Linux, which is going to be the last of LibreOffice 3.6 family before LibreOffice 4.0, the next major release. This new release is another step forward in the process of improving the overall quality and stability of LibreOffice, and facilitating the migration process to free software.…