Advent Resource #19: LibreOffice Macros

coverAndrew Pitonyak has been the great master of StarBasic since forever. I still remember copies of his book being distributed at the 2nd OpenOffice Conference in Berlin, in September 2004, the very first time I was exposed to the global OOo community (and I decided to embark on the journey that has led to the birth of LibreOffice and The Document Foundation).

Andrew Pitonyak’s OOo Macro Information website is full of useful information. The most useful resource is the 3rd edition of his book – OOo Macros Explained (OOME Third Edition) – available in both PDF and ODT formats.

These are the topics covered in the book: Language Constructs, Numerical Routines, Array Routines, Date Routines, String Routines, File Routines, Miscellaneous Routines, Universal Network Objects, The Dispatcher, StarDesktop, Generic Document Methods, Writer Documents, Calc Documents, Draw and Impress Documents, Library Management, Dialogs and Controls, and Sources of Information.

Just one caveat: although the book has been updated in 2015, it might not reflect all the changes included in the new versions of LibreOffice.