Technology Archive

Tender to implement automated ODF filter regression testing (#202106-01)

The Document Foundation (TDF) is the charitable entity behind the world’s leading free/libre open source (FLOSS) office suite LibreOffice.

We are looking for an individual or company to implement automated ODF filter regression testing.

The default file format of LibreOffice is ODF, the Open Document Format. From time to time, there are regression bugs reported

Annual Report 2020: TDF and LibreOffice infrastructure

In 2020, the infrastructure team added new services, implemented a new Extensions and Templates site, and worked on a replacement for Ask LibreOffice

(This is part of The Document Foundation’s Annual Report for 2020 – the full version is here.)

LibreOffice’s infrastructure team is responsible for maintaining the hardware, virtual

Projects selected for LibreOffice in the Google Summer of Code 2021

In March, we announced that LibreOffice will be participating in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a programme that connects students with free and open source software projects. GSoC helps students to implement new features, and provides them with financial support along the way.

Well, the projects have been selected, so

Improvements in LibreOffice’s PowerPoint presentation support

LibreOffice’s native file format is OpenDocument, a fully open and standardised format that’s great for sharing documents and long-term data storage. Of course, LibreOffice does its best to open files made by other office software as well, even if they’re stored in pseudo-“standards” with cryptic and obfuscated contents. Compatibility with PowerPoint PPT(X) presentations

Tender to implement Curl based HTTP/WebDAV UCP (#202104-01)

Note: for questions asked about this tender and their respective answers, please see the bottom of this page

We are extending the application deadline.

The deadline for questions stays as in the original tender: June 15, 2021
The deadline for applications has been extended to: June 24, 2021

The Document Foundation (TDF) is the charitable

LibreOffice Macro Team: progress report

Macros help users to automate common tasks in LibreOffice. In September 2019 we announced a new team in our community to work on macro support. The last progress report was published in April 2020, so it is high time to look into what has happened