In the first quarter of 2016 a lot of work has been carried out by the community. On the events side, FOSDEM gathered several LibreOffice members together, and a face-to-face meeting with the Pootle team took place
Team Archive
Behind the scenes at TDF: NLP/L10n

Behind the Scenes at TDF: Marketing in Q1 2016

Before going into the details of the marketing activities, The Document Foundation (TDF) is proud to announce that Mike Saunders was hired as Marketing Assistant in mid-February. Mike is known for the famous feature videos he made for LibreOffice 5.1, and he has kicked off the Month of LibreOffice Contribution in May,
Behind the scenes at TDF: infrastructure
The year 2015 brought some challenging and exciting developments regarding the ongoing restructuring of our infrastructure. At the beginning of the year, the migration of our existing virtual machines and bare metal machines was ongoing after an
LibreOffice documentation, help and beyond
Today, I’d like to talk about what is going on at the LibreOffice documentation project. My name is Olivier Hallot and I am a French national living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, since my infancy.
Marketing Project: New Marketing Assistant
I’d like to introduce myself as the new Marketing Assistant at The Document Foundation. My name is Mike Saunders, and some LibreOffice followers may have already seen the 5.1 New Feature videos that I made for Calc, Impress and Writer. Others may have come across my