LibreOffice Archive

Starting today: The Month of LibreOffice, November 2024! πŸŽ‰

Month of LibreOffice banner

Here’s your chance to learn new skills for a potential future career change, or expand your knowledge and have fun on the way: get involved in the Month of LibreOffice, November 2024! Over the next four weeks, hundreds of people around the world will collaborate to improve

LibreOffice 24.2.7 is now available – the last release in the 24.2 branch

Berlin, 31 October 2024 – LibreOffice 24.2.7, the seventh and final planned minor update to the LibreOffice 24.2 branch, is available on our download page for Windows, macOS and Linux.

The release includes

Interview with Newly Certified LibreOffice Developer Rafael Lima

The LibreOffice Engineering Steering Committee (ESC) has appointed Prof. Rafael Henrique Palma Lima, from Federal Technological University of ParanΓ‘ (UTFPr) as the newest certified LibreOffice developer.

Prof. Lima has been contributing new

Host the LibreOffice Conference 2025 in your location!

LibreOffice Conference 2024 group photo
LibreOffice Conference 2024 (Luxembourg) group photo

Once a year, the LibreOffice community gathers for a global community event: the LibreOffice Conference. After a series of successful events – Paris, Berlin, Milan, Bern, Aarhus, Brno, Rome, Tirana, Almeria, two events online, Milan again, and

Interview: Jonathan Clark, team member, developer focusing on RTL / CTL / CJK

Hello Jonathan, you have been hired by The Document Foundation in the role of developer focusing on the issues of languages written from right to left, or RTL (Right to Left).


Video recap: LibreOffice Conference 2024

Here’s a quick recap of the recent LibreOffice Conference 2024! 😊 (This video is also available on PeerTube.)

We now have the raw video from the rooms too, so will start editing and uploading talks…

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