LibreOffice Archive
LibreOffice Community Weeks: Wrapping up
We’re already in to a new Month of LibreOffice, but in October we ran a series of Community Weeks, looking at what different teams in the LibreOffice project do, and how you can help them. So firstly, here’s a reminder of the articles, and then we’ll find out
The November 2016 Month of LibreOffice begins!
Back in May we had a Month of LibreOffice, crediting contributions to the software across the entire project. It was fantastic, with hundreds of badges and barnstars awarded to developers, translators, bug reporters, and also to people who help with documentation, the Ask.LibreOffice site and social media.
Well, it’s time to do
Road to LibreOffice 5.3
Coming up: a new Month of LibreOffice
Back in May we had a Month of LibreOffice, celebrating contributions from the community across many different teams – development, documentation, translations, QA, marketing and more. Well, six months have almost passed so it’s time for another! We’ll be running a new Month of LibreOffice throughout November, crediting contributors for their work.
As with May’s campaign,