LibreOffice Archive

Simplicity and flexibility: choose the right LibreOffice interface for you

With free and open source software, you get back control – over your software, your data, and your computer as a whole. And in the LibreOffice community, we strive to create the best user experience, but we also recognise that different users have different requirements.

To this end, LibreOffice includes three main user interface designs,

Posting stickers for the Month of LibreOffice – don’t forget to claims yours!

Currently we’re posting out the sticker packs for the Month of LibreOffice. Did you contribute to the project in May 2018, and your name (or username) is on this page?

If so, and you haven’t contacted us yet, email with your name (or username) from the wiki page,

LibreOffice interview: Andreas Kainz talks about new icons and the Notebookbar

Andreas Kainz

LibreOffice’s design community works on improving the user interface of the software. Today we talk to Andreas Kainz, who has created new icon themes and made improvements to the Notebookbar, an experimental and alternative user interface layout that will become an option in

Month of LibreOffice, May 2018: A look at the numbers

Last week, the Month of LibreOffice, May 2018 came to a close – and 336 stickers were awarded! You can read more about the results here, and today we’ll take a closer look at the numbers.

But first, we want to say a special thanks to the following people who took

Month of LibreOffice, May 2018: The results!

At the start of May, we kicked off a new Month of LibreOffice, celebrating contributions all across the project. Well, May has come to a close now, so how many people got stickers throughout the month? Check it out…

Great work, everyone! This is higher than the previous three

LibreOffice monthly recap: May 2018

Lots of things are happening in the LibreOffice community – in development, documentation, design, QA, translations and much more. Here’s a summary of news and updates in May…