LibreOffice Archive

Find a LibreOffice community member near you!

Hundreds of people around the world contribute to each new version of LibreOffice, and we’ve interviewed many of them on this blog. Now we’ve collected them together on a map (thanks to OpenStreetMap), so you can see who’s near you, and find out more! Click the image to see the live map:

Community Member Monday: Khaled Hosny

With LibreOffice 6.2 now available, we return to our regular chats with LibreOffice community members! Today we’re talking to Khaled Hosny, who is working on the software’s font handling and user interface…

To start with, tell us a bit about yourself!

Iā€™m based in Cairo, Egypt. I use IRC but not very

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.2 with NotebookBar, the office suite which offers the most flexible user experience

LibreOffice 6.1.5 also released, for enterprise class deployments and mainstream users looking for robust productivity

Berlin, February 7, 2019 ā€“ The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.2 with NotebookBar, a significant major release of the free office

LibreOffice monthly recap: January 2019

Here’s our regular summary of events and updates in the last month!

Community Member Monday: Pierre-Yves Samyn

Today we’re chatting with a member of the French-speaking LibreOffice community, Pierre-Yves Samyn, who helps our marketing and documentation projects with videos and translations:

Where do you live, and what do you enjoy in your spare time?

I live in metropolitan France. Outside of LibreOffice, I like to read, listen and play music.


New Guide: Conditional Formatting in LibreOffice Calc

Roman Kuznetsov (aka Kompilainenn) from our documentation community has created a Conditional Formatting Guide for LibreOffice Calc. He says:

In this guide I wrote about:

  • How to create, change and delete conditional formatting
  • Multiple conditions for one cell range, and priority of condition processing
  • Creating cell styles for conditional formatting
  • All categories and