Interviews Archive

LibreOffice mega Christmas interview

In many countries in the world, Christmas is celebrated as time of peace. In olden days, in the Northern hemisphere, it was the mid-winter celebration – looking towards the new light to come. Nowadays, sharing presents is a popular activity at Christmas time.
So, let’s look at what presents LibreOffice has left under the tree…

Interview with Björn Michaelsen about the Hackfest

(by Jorge Rodriguez and Hans de Vries)

Please, tell us something about you and your activities? And how you became involved with Open Source Software and LibreOffice?

I started to get involved with Open Source when I was still a student. I got involved quite a bit with Gentoo (the Linux distribution) in its early days, somewhere

Developer Interview : Markus Mohrhard

Coding LibreOffice to relax a bit from studying tough mathematical problems? Read why and how Markus Mohrhard works on LibreOffice!

LibreOffice can only exist since people are working on it: so please ! tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m a third year math student and have always been interested in computer science(which is even a subsidiary

Developer Interview : Rob Snelders

LibreOffice can only exist because people are working on it: so please, tell us a bit about yourself.

I am Rob Snelders, a 28 years old Dutch guy. I am a programmer at a manufacturer of household equipment. I have studied Computer Sience at the Fontys University in Eindhoven.

In what other software projects have you been

Developer interview: Christina Rossmanith

In this developer interview we talk someone who started with helping out other developers by translating comments in the code from German to English.

“Translating of comments brings me across different parts of the code, so I get a feeling for LibreOffice.”

LibreOffice can only exist since people are working on it: so please ! tell us

Interview with Paulo José O. Amaro

By: Clóvis Tristão
Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Web Designer and Computer Science Student in the Federal University of São João del-Rei, Paulo José. He has been outstanding with his work in LibreOffice, specially in the Design Team. Hope you enjoy the interview