Development Archive

Month of LibreOffice, May 2018 – The first week in

On May 1st, we started a new Month of LibreOffice, celebrating contributions all across the project. Everyone who gets involved will be awarded a cool sticker for their work – so how many stickers have been won so far?

So that’s almost 150 community members who’ve helped to improve

Welcome gla11y, the user interface accessibility checker!

LibreOffice is designed with great attention to accessibility, to make the suite convenient and comfortable to use, and to cater to users with special needs. Last year The Document Foundation published a Tender to Implement Accessibility Improvements regarding user interface widgets that are added to the suite but which have accessibility shortcomings.

French company

Welcome, Google Summer of Code ’18 students!

The Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. The Document Foundation and LibreOffice participate every year, and today we are happy to announce a new record of 11 accepted students!

Projects are widespread and include Python

Coming up: the Month of LibreOffice, May 2018!

Joining an open source project is awesome, for many reasons. You get to:

  • Talk to, meet and share ideas with people around the world
  • Build up valuable skills that could be useful in a future career
  • Make the world a better place, by improving software for everyone to use

In the case of LibreOffice, you

LibreOffice and Google Summer of Code 2018 – get involved!

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a yearly programme in which Google funds university students to work on free and open source software projects. LibreOffice has benefited from this – last year 10 students were accepted into GSoC to do various programming jobs, helping to improve the software.

GSoC students

How LibreOffice and TDF are helping other open source projects

Free and open source software (FOSS) is all about sharing and working together. And while LibreOffice focuses on being the best open source office suite, our community also helps out with other related FOSS projects (just like many other projects help us!). We’ve made an infographic showing “upstream” contributions from LibreOffice developers and The Document