Gautam has been working on the LibreOffice Viewer for Android, as part of the Google Summer of Code. We caught up with him at our recent conference in Rome, to talk about progress in the Android app, his experiences of joining the community, and how others can get involved.
Community Archive
04 Dec 2017
LibreOffice contributor interview: Gautam Prajapati
01 Dec 2017
LibreOffice Community Smiles #1
Getting close to the end of the year, we want to remember everyone how much fun we have for being members of The Document Foundation, by showing our best smiles. We start with Sophie Gautier, who doesn’t need any introduction, as she’s always been around since the early days of OOo
01 Dec 2017
Month of LibreOffice, November 2017: The results!
The Month of LibreOffice, November 2017 has finished – and what a great month it has been. There have been contributions all across the project, including source code patches, bug report confirmations, user interface translations and documentation updates. Not to mention user support on Ask LibreOffice, along with LibreOffice promotion on
27 Nov 2017