Community Archive

LibreOffice auf der Cebit 2012

Die Document Foundation (Stiftung) wird auf der Cebit 2012 auf dem Stand des Vereins
“Freies Office Deutschland e.V.” (Halle 2, Stand D 64/2) vertreten sein. Besucher
können dort  sowohl Fragen rund um die gerade in Berlin gegründete Stiftung mit
Mitgliedern des Vorstandes besprechen wie auch  sich zu der Office-Suite LibreOffice
informieren, deren Entwicklung von der

FOSDEM dev-room slides …

This FOSDEM we had a popular LibreOffice Dev-Room, with many interesting talks focused on a technical audience. Starting from Italo’s overview of where we’re at as of now, and moving into how to how to write filters, the code structure of our major components, how to get involved with easy hacks, and more.


The Document Foundation officially incorporated in Berlin, Germany

New entity has been legally created on February 17th, 2012
German Stiftung to provide strong and enduring rights for the LibreOffice community

Berlin, February 20th, 2012. The Document Foundation today announces that it has been officially incorporated in the state of Berlin, Germany. The legal form of the entity is a German “rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen

Ask LibreOffice

Have you seen the new Ask LibreOffice support page already?

LibreOffice Hamburg Hackfest, April 14/15

After closing down the poll, counting carefully and checking back with our kind venue sponsor, the next LibreOffice HackFest is now scheduled for the weekend April 14-15 in Hamburg, Germany.

Please find more (but still incomplete) information in our wiki:

Looking forward to see many of you there!

FOSDEM Preview

The Document Foundation was announced on September 28, 2010. So far, it has been an umbelievable ride, especially under the development point of view. Our core development team has managed to attract close to 400 new developers, and has achieved a large number of the ambitious goals set on that date. We still have quite