Community Archive

100,000 thanks

100,000 donations in 500 days, from May 1st, 2013, to October 13, 2014, with an average of 200 donations per day.

Three square numbers which have a greater meaning than their actual one, for the entire free software ecosystem.

Together with volunteers, contributing their time, and Advisory Board members, investing in The Document Foundation, individual donors are

Membership Committee upcoming election

Thorsten Behrens, Chairman of the Board at The Document Foundation, has announced the elections for the Membership Committee.

Dear Community,

all members of The Document Foundation are called to vote on a new Membership Committee. Therefore, the Board of Directors hereby announces the elections to the Membership Committee with the following timeline:

  1. 2014-07-19: announcement of the elections

LibreOffice Conference 2015 Call for Locations will open soon

Berlin, April 16, 2014 – The Document Foundation (TDF) will open the Call for Locations for the LibreOffice Conference 2015 on May 1st, 2014. Candidate cities will be able to submit proposals during May and June 2014. Details of the Call for Locations are available on the TDF Wiki: Read More

Brazilian LibreOffice Community: boosting to cruise speed and reaching Latin America

2013 has been one of the best years for LibreOffice in Brazil

and it is becoming even better.

The Brazilian community outperformed itself in all kind of activities around LibreOffice and The Document Foundation during 2013. We attended ten events, signed an important agreement and got our first LibreOffice certified developer. It was also

Results Elections TDF Board of Directors

Cor Nouws posted this today:

Dear members,

I hereby announce the final results of The Document Foundation’s Board of Directors elections 2013. With the challenging phase having ended without any objection to the preliminary results, the following results are now the final ones.

Elected as member are the candidates, in this order: Thorsten Behrens, Eliane Domingos de Sousa,

The Document Foundation appoints 15 Certified Developers in 2013

Including hackers certified in 2012, TDF Certified Developers are now 37

Berlin, December 11, 2013 – The Document Foundation (TDF) unveils the list of the Certified Developers appointed in 2013: Noel Grandin (independent), Matúš Kukan (Collabora), Noel Power (SUSE), Muthu Subramanian (Collabora), Miklos Vajna (Collabora), certified in March; Maxime de Roucy (Linagora), Winfried Donkers (independent), Radek